Take a peek at some past projects

Having an artist on your team, whether it's for an older home or a new design, is essential to achieve a cohesive feel. Their expertise in staying up to date with the latest trends guarantees a home that feels current and won't quickly become outdated. Moreover, color plays a significant role in creating a visually appealing space without having to spend a fortune. By carefully selecting and incorporating colors, you can make a big difference in the overall aesthetic of your home. With the guidance of an artist, you can ensure that your home remains stylish and timeless, making it a joy to live in for years to come.

Laguna Project

Updating older homes and envisioning their potential requires a touch of creative thinking. We strive for our homes to mirror our unique personal style, which necessitates the need for modernized floorplans that can adapt to our ever-changing lifestyles. By integrating innovative ideas and design concepts, we can transform these outdated spaces into functional and aesthetically pleasing havens. Whether it's rearranging rooms, expanding living areas, or incorporating contemporary amenities, the possibilities are endless when it comes to revitalizing older homes. With a little imagination and a willingness to embrace change, we can unlock the true potential of these properties, creating living spaces that not only meet our practical needs but also reflect our individuality and taste.



We transformed underutilized and partitioned areas to extend the main bedroom and its accompanying bathroom, featuring large windows and a new deck for easy access. The dining room was eliminated and converted into a convenient walk-in pantry and an indoor laundry room. The great room was improved, taking full advantage of the breathtaking view and the outdoor area by incorporating a wall of windows and sliding doors that open onto the expanded deck, complete with a jacuzzi.

New Builds

Building a new home is an exhilarating yet overwhelming experience! It involves ensuring that the floor plan aligns with your requirements, the color scheme blends seamlessly, and all while staying within your budget. Kelly is here to assist you every step of the way. Her expertise lies in reviewing your plans, providing suggestions for materials and colors, and guiding you towards budget-friendly options. She thoroughly enjoys undertaking these tasks, as her ultimate goal is to make your dream home a reality. With her by your side, you can rest assured that all your concerns will be addressed and your expectations will be met. Let Kelly help you create the perfect home!

The clients were in urgent need of a prompt response as they were in the process of flipping this house. Their main goal was to achieve a fresh and updated look while highlighting the architectural features of the property. They wanted to maintain the authenticity of the home's era, while simultaneously creating a clean and neat appearance. Kelly helped them see that they did not require any structural changes, but rather a cosmetic facelift to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal.

Ogden Project: Exterior Paint Update